Even the most well-behaved, perfectly-trained pet will have incidents of indoor "accidents." Urine and odor are problems that all pet owners face. When my clients ask me to reduce the smell of pet odor, I must consider the animal's size, breed, diet, and, most importantly, any illness that could be causing the odor, such as kidney problems. Deep carpet cleaning can make a huge difference in pet odor removal, but we can't guarantee complete urine removal because urine odors can cause extensive damage.
Deep Carpet Cleaning to Eliminate Pet Odor with Hot Water Extraction (Steam Cleaning) Method
Pet Odor Treatment costs $60 per area or $10 per urine spot (up to 1 square foot), whichever option is less expensive. This price is in addition to our carpet cleaning cost. An area is a room, hall, or staircase. Because every area, pet, and carpet material is different, eliminating pet odor from any carpet cannot be guaranteed. If you're looking for carpet cleaning in Vancouver, WA, call Top Notch Carpet Cleaning! We are experienced with pet odor and urine removal and can provide the most comprehensive carpet cleaning services in the area.
Removing Pet Urine From Carpet
Our 3 Step Odor Treatment Option
(For Van-Mounted Steam Method)
Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning to Eliminate Pet Odors
Pet Odor Treatment costs $25 per area in addition to our carpet cleaning cost. An area is a room, hall, or staircase. We use the hottest pet urine treatment available on the market. It's called Kaput by Encap Store. Kaput utilizes CLO2 as stabilized sodium chlorite to remove odors and stains. There is nothing as strong or effective on the market to kill odors. Because every area, pet, and carpet material is different, eliminating pet odor from any carpet cannot be guaranteed. Urine treatment does help but is less effective with low moisture cleaning than van-mounted hot water extraction.